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We’ve also received lots of love from the media in Chicago, who have repeatedly named Spa Space the Best Spa in Chicago. Shape Magazine singled out our Mango-Pineapple Enzyme Manicure, featuring a mango fizz finger soak that packs fruit-acid antioxidants, as well as vitamin E to strengthen nails and cuticles as well as a mango sugar scrub to reduce age spots and fine lines.Īllure Magazine’s annual Best of Beauty issue named Spa Space’s renowned Pineapple Papaya Pacific Paradise, which delivers silky-smooth skin, as the best body treatment in Chicago. People Magazine loved our Lavender Mega-Massage pedicure. A lot of the national attention we’ve received is in response to our unique treatments, innovative products, and our appeal to both men & women. Spa Space has been in the news since it opened in 2001.

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